Four-Arm-Guanyin A
Four-Arm-Guanyin B
Four-Arm-Guanyin C
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The four armed Avalokitesvara has a face as white as the moon, a five Buddha crown on her head, a black knot in her hair, a palm folded in the center, holding a Mani pearl, and a crystal rosary in her right hand. With eight lotus petals in her left hand, she was at the same level as her ear, her face still and smiling. Gazing at sentient beings with the wise eyes of a Bodhisattva, anyone who is completely liberated by its observer. The whole body is dignified with flowers and vines, sitting on the lotus moon wheel with both legs crossed. The body emits a great colorful light, shining brightly.
Every solemnity has its manifestation: one head represents the Dharma, four arms represent the Four Infinite Minds, the white body represents the purity and purity of one's own nature, which cannot hold life and death, and the fingerprint cannot hold Nirvana. In the center, the palm is folded in front of the chest, indicating a combination of wisdom and convenience. The other hand holds a crystal rosary in its right hand, saving a sentient being from rebirth with each stroke of the bead. The left hand holds a lotus flower, indicating purity and ease.
In the Buddhist scriptures, it is said that the benefits and merits of the Six Character Great Ming Mantra are very great. Holding the Six Character Great Ming Mantra can eliminate the suffering of illness, punishment, fear of untimely death, increase life expectancy, and enrich wealth. Even at the end of one's life, the doors leading to the lower Dao group can be closed, allowing people and the gods of heaven to receive life, touch the Buddha's Dharma, and the merits and benefits are countless.

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