Yi-men-s-wedding-dress A

Yi men's wedding dress

by Colorfui Yi embroidery

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 Color matching Yi wedding dress to celebrate, black, red and yellow are the three most important colors of Yi dress Yi people express their beliefs and ideas through color.

Tiger totems are ubiquitous in the costumes of the Yi people, who believe that everything in the universe is transformed by the tiger, and they believe that the tiger god will protect future generations to prosper. In addition, the Yi people also worship fire, they believe that their fate is linked to fire, so the image of fire can be seen everywhere in the pattern of Yi clothing.


Yi men like to wrap the head with blue cloth or blue cloth, and tie out a long conical knot at the forehead, to express the heroic spirit;

Yi men prefer to wear blankets made of wool, black and white, black is the best. It is like a cloak and comes down below the knee; Trousers are mostly embroidered with large legs.

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